Since the accident I do this thing where I think about doing something, and, because my short term memory is crap, I have to remind myself over and over, so I think about doing the thing over and over and then, at some point, without me realizing it, my brain suddenly decides that I DID whatever it was I was thinking about doing.
For example, if I need to return a phone call. I think about it. I remind myself to call Bob while I'm brushing my teeth. I remind myself to call Bob while I'm eating my breakfast. I get distracted by something and remind myself on my way to class to call Bob. When I get out of class I remind myself to call Bob. I drive home. I get distracted. I do other things. I go to bed. Days pass. Bob calls me. Bob: "Why didn't you call?" Me: "Huh? I thought I DID call you. Um. I, uh, thought about calling you."
And there you have it. This happens a lot with emails. I'll read it, start writing a response, get distracted, have to leave for an appointment, and never finish the reply. But my brain thinks I did because I started typing it.
Today's drama, however, was legitimate. Yesterday I got an letter from school listing one more class than I am actually taking. I registered for the class but phoned the registrar during the first week, our Drop/Add period, to request the course be dropped. Guess who somehow didn't get the message? Yep. So I've got this extra class and now, because it's late, the school would want me to pay for the class even if I withdrew.
The reason I requested the drop was because I didn't think I could handle the workload with this course. I already have this prof for another course and both courses are very time consuming. I thought it best to save one for another semester.
I called the prof. Thankfully, he was wonderful about the whole thing and agreed to let me join the class and catch up. But that means I do have to catch up. This weekend will be spent doing five weeks worth of work. I managed to complete two assignments between yesterday and today and handed them in tonight but there is a mountain of reading I need to do.
What's that saying, "No rest for the wicked?"
I must have pushed someone into an oven in a past life.
One of the assignments was a collage about your different societal roles and how you perceive yourself and what groups you fit in. I found that most of the imagery I was choosing had to do with this injury. Biology is biography, I guess. Maybe I should post a pic of the collage here.... you know, the funny part is, I'm going to spend the next day and a half thinking about doing that and end up thinking I already did it.
And no, I did not have an imaginary friend when I was a child. Or now, for that matter. Maybe I should get some. Ok, I did use to talk to a rat that lived in the drain, but that doesn't count right?
Emo Phillips is/was a very funny guy. I've never seen a reference to him before. He is even drier than Steven Wright if you've ever seen any of his stuff. Wright e.g. I was walking down the street the other day- nope- that wasn't me. Could it be that you are so stressed it's causing you to forget to follow through on things and you're making it a result of the brain injury? Or is it the stress and the brain injury having a synergistic effect to make you think things are worse than they are? Or none of the above?