"You must not come lightly to the blank page." Stephen King (1947 - ) On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, 2000
I'm not writing here tonight. Magritte would approve of that sentence.
I'm in pain, having massively strained my back and knee pushing a cart full of supplies for a wedding cake I am attempting to bake for a former client. In another incarnation, I owned a catering business.
Last night, in lieu of writing here, I spent my time digging maggots out of a four week old kitten's ear canal. This afternoon I had to euthanize him. I'll rant about this later.
Today was my first day of practicum. I'll write about this later as well and how much this brain injury experience has really taught me.
I have to be asleep NOW if I'm going to get up and be safe to drive to class tomorrow morning. It's an hour plus commute.
On Saturday, I'm going to hear Paul Winter perform. I know, New Age geeky, right? It's like telling someone you like Yanni. For the record, I do NOT listen to Yanni. I did however, listen to the Paul Winter Consort all the time back in the late 80's. Whatever. Mock me if you must.
On Sunday, I'm going to hear Dr. Kevorkian speak. I'm going to ask him how he feels about euthanizing kittens that have maggots infesting their brains and what he thinks about euthanizing the crazy Cat Lady who feeds the sickly herd that produced said kitten.
I needed to be asleep two hours ago.
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