Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Freedom's Just Another Word

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Land of Confusion

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Slippin', slippin', slippin'...

Friday, September 25, 2009
Imaginary Friends, Imaginary Activities, Imaginary Classes

Since the accident I do this thing where I think about doing something, and, because my short term memory is crap, I have to remind myself over and over, so I think about doing the thing over and over and then, at some point, without me realizing it, my brain suddenly decides that I DID whatever it was I was thinking about doing.
For example, if I need to return a phone call. I think about it. I remind myself to call Bob while I'm brushing my teeth. I remind myself to call Bob while I'm eating my breakfast. I get distracted by something and remind myself on my way to class to call Bob. When I get out of class I remind myself to call Bob. I drive home. I get distracted. I do other things. I go to bed. Days pass. Bob calls me. Bob: "Why didn't you call?" Me: "Huh? I thought I DID call you. Um. I, uh, thought about calling you."
And there you have it. This happens a lot with emails. I'll read it, start writing a response, get distracted, have to leave for an appointment, and never finish the reply. But my brain thinks I did because I started typing it.
Today's drama, however, was legitimate. Yesterday I got an letter from school listing one more class than I am actually taking. I registered for the class but phoned the registrar during the first week, our Drop/Add period, to request the course be dropped. Guess who somehow didn't get the message? Yep. So I've got this extra class and now, because it's late, the school would want me to pay for the class even if I withdrew.
The reason I requested the drop was because I didn't think I could handle the workload with this course. I already have this prof for another course and both courses are very time consuming. I thought it best to save one for another semester.
I called the prof. Thankfully, he was wonderful about the whole thing and agreed to let me join the class and catch up. But that means I do have to catch up. This weekend will be spent doing five weeks worth of work. I managed to complete two assignments between yesterday and today and handed them in tonight but there is a mountain of reading I need to do.
What's that saying, "No rest for the wicked?"
I must have pushed someone into an oven in a past life.
One of the assignments was a collage about your different societal roles and how you perceive yourself and what groups you fit in. I found that most of the imagery I was choosing had to do with this injury. Biology is biography, I guess. Maybe I should post a pic of the collage here.... you know, the funny part is, I'm going to spend the next day and a half thinking about doing that and end up thinking I already did it.
And no, I did not have an imaginary friend when I was a child. Or now, for that matter. Maybe I should get some. Ok, I did use to talk to a rat that lived in the drain, but that doesn't count right?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Stand Down!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
"Pick a Little, Talk a Little"

Fast talkers and low talkers are impossible for me to understand. Last Wednesday, in class, I couldn't understand my classmates. We had broken into two groups and were working on a project and I couldn't hear. I've obviously been relying on lip reading for some time now. I knew it was easier for me to hear if I could see the person's face but I didn't realize how much I was relying on lip reading. Last Wed., I didn't have a clue what my group members were saying if I couldn't see their faces. I only finished half of the project. Luckily, it was a group effort so it didn't cost me anything but it certainly did give me pause.
Today, a social worker came to the house to talk to my grandmother and tell us about possible support services for her, she's a fast talker, the social worker. Lovely woman, she just speaks quickly. I couldn't follow her conversation to save my life. She was offering me names and numbers and connections for possible internship opportunities, and I couldn't follow her conversation and write down what she'd just told me.
It hurt my brain.
The difficult combination of Central Auditory Processing Disorder and a decreased ability to maintain divided attention makes it almost impossible to take notes or remember anything said by a fast talker, or someone with an accent, or low talkers, or someone on a cell phone.
Have I written about Central Auditory Processing Disorders before? Well, pardon the repeat if I have. Basically a CAP is a problem with how the brain interprets sounds. My "hearing" is perfect. The biological mechanism of my ears works fine. Unfortunately, my brain doesn't always understand what my ears are hearing.
Picking out voices from background noise is a particular problem for me. I can't hear worth a damn in restaurants. Some movies are difficult. I frequently have to use the caption option even if the film is in English. Sometimes it's background music or other noise that makes it hard for me, other times it's an actor's accent. Speaking of accents, they're generally difficult, but the timbre of individual voices is also a consideration. Certain pitch levels don't work for me. This is especially true when I'm speaking to someone on a cellphone. Women are harder for me to understand than men, however, my uncle has a fairly deep voice and it, at times, impossible for me to hear.
Again, it's not really hearing. I can hear, it's interpretation.
Your ears work much like your eyes. Information is scanned by your eyes and sent to your brain which interprets what you see. Ears do the same thing. Sound comes in, it is coded and sent to your brain when the sounds are understood as words or music or whatever.
I'm in the process of trying to get a hearing aid through OVR. At present, it would cost me just over $1000. Yeah. Higher than you though, right? It's a special version that doesn't just amplify sounds, but actually picks out voices and dampens background noise via a small computer chip.
Retail price is somewhere in the $2500 range. Oh, and insurance doesn't cover hearing aids. You'd think it would, but alas, no such luck. At least my insurance doesn't cover them.
Honestly, I can't wait to get my hearing aid. It really does help tremendously. The audiologist gave me a loner to try before she wrote up the report and prescription and I couldn't believe the difference it made. I'm scared to death that I'm going to lose the thing - it's so small, but with it at least one part of me can be almost back to normal.
Experiencing life with this constellation of difficulties has, at the very least, made me more sensitive to what other people with more severe disabilities have to go through on a daily basis and I am changing my behavior. Now, when I leave phone messages, I speak slowly and make sure to repeat my number at the end of the message. SLOWLY. I can't tell you how many messages I've had to listen to again, and again just to decipher the correct phone number.
I'd like to continue this entry but I'm starting to get very tired. It's only 7:45 pm but I've had a long day, and the past few weeks have been a strain. I know I'm starting to drift because my visual focus is starting to drift, and I'm getting some doubling. There's still some reading I need to do for class tomorrow so I'll have to end things here.
Remember, speak slowly, stop mumbling and speak up. Please.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Don't Eat That
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Hold That Thought

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Not counting illnesses or post-op, I am more fatigued than I have ever been in my life. Perhaps I am coming down with something. I've decided not to go see my grandmother this evening just in case. (I spent some time with her this afternoon, but I still feel like a heel.)
It is completely bone-crushing. This may just be my brain hitting a wall. Lifting a glass of water for a drink requires my weighing the pros and cons before commencing the action. Yes, I am that tired. More than anything else at this moment I want to just sit. Sit, and do nothing. Ok, I could stare at something meaningless on TV that requires no attention, but beyond that, nada.
So much "stuff" still needs to be done around the house. There is laundry. There are bills. There is homework. There is prep work for the class I'm supposedly teaching at the end of the month. There are phone calls to be made and emails to be sent. I was supposed to pick up info from the class I missed last week. I haven't. The class is tomorrow. (My phone is broken and I can't access my numbers. Bah.)
Did I mention that I start my practicum on Thursday, and that is also the day my grandmother may come home? That means I will definitely be moving my base of operations to the "Big House" (her house) so that I can be with her during the day.
It's not that I want to sleep either. At 4 p.m. I called my husband and told him how crappy I felt. He's had a stomach thing for the last few days and suggested I might be getting whatever he had. "But you weren't tired," I said, "you were just sick." "Well, yeah." We decided that I would try to take a nap and he would wake me up when he got home at 5. I tried. I was too wiped out to sleep.
Instead, I went online and got malpractice insurance, something that I'd forgotten I needed until today.
Four days with no responsibility would be just the ticket. That was what I'd hoped for with the trip to Jersey. Alas, it was not to be. At times like this it's hard to envision a time when I will feel whole again, and rested, and calm. It must happen, though, I'll die if it doesn't. That sounds dramatic, I know, but I feel myself slipping. I've missed several classes already due to the grandmother situation, etc., and that isn't like me. It's a slippery slope, and I am teetering on the brink.
I can't live like this anymore. This isn't living. This is barely surviving.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Takin' the Red Eye

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Here and Now

"It's also helpful to realize that this very body that we have, that's sitting right here right now... with its aches and its pleasures... is exactly what we need to be fully human, fully awake, fully alive." Pema Chodron
This experience with my grandmother, along with my own experiences with my new brain are definitely teaching me how to be present.
Two of my doctors keep telling me to practice mindfulness, which I keep attempting, but life keeps getting in the way. At the moment I think it's more important to stay mindful in the actual moment, IN my life, with the people in my life, than to "practice" mindfulness. I am practicing it. At least I'm trying my best.
My grandmother was doing fairly well today, but the good days, bad days, weigh on me. There is no sense of relief, no safety. I will feel better when she comes home.
I'm angry, people close to me have stopped talking to me. I'm stressed over work and schedules which I keep screwing up spectacularly. I have to start my practicum this week. I've dozens of phone calls to make and will have to be up at dawn tomorrow to get everything done and be able to visit the hospital. I've taken my nightly doses of, well, everything and will be heading to bed at once.
I'm trying to stay strong and not tear up at appropriate moments. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I want as much time with my grandmother as I can get. I want to be there for her, and for my mom who is really the one who bears the brunt of all this stress. They've supported me my whole life, now it's my turn.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
My Grandmother's Night Nurse

-Nightingale, Florence Notes on Nursing.
Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009
Cheap, No Pics Entry
Now I'm moderately angry that I can't get this machine to do what I want it to do. Technology makes our lives easier, right?
I was going to write about how I dropped a class because the work load was going to fry me, and how ambivalent I am about doing so. I was also going to talk about starting new ventures and the wondrous power of silence and the ocean and family.
But I'm just teasing and I'll have to do all that at another time as well, because I have to sleep RIGHT NOW. I'm like a baby crazy woman trying to get pregnant - one of those gals who is constantly monitoring her temp, ready to hump her husband the minute her fertility alarm goes off, except in my case it's sleep not eggs that are the issue. That's not to say that my eggs aren't at issue as well, just not at the moment.
At the moment I'm tired and SOMEONE just FUCKING disturbed me which has now made me angry and ruined my tired buzz. Damn people. I hate people at times. (Like right now.) Really, I don't want to speak to anyone from like 8 pm until I wake up the next day. That would be a perfect world. I can't understand why people can't just shut up and exist in silence. You won't explode from a lack of speaking, or singing, or listening to music or tv. Trust me, I've done it, and I survived.
Oy. Ok, I'm going to bed because I have to get up at 5:30 am tomorrow and that's gonna hurt no matter how you phrase it. No pics tonight either. Sleep is my primary goal.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Turtle Neck or Back or Something

But what happens when he has a pain in the neck? Turtles get to stay in their shells. Humans aren't so lucky.
My neck's been feeling better the last few days but I'm having more back pain lately, which may be due to my new obsession with beading. Poor posture perhaps? Probably.
I try. I do. But I don't always sit as straight as I should, and I'm working in several different locations, at my house and at my mom's when I'm "watching" my grandmother. We finally got her one of those call button I've-fallen-and-I-can't-get-up things. She's not thrilled but we fell better.
My increased pain is also probably due to a lack of sleep. I've been sleeping horribly. Trying to sleep with a snorer is challenging for the best of sleepers, for me, it's an impossibility. He's got a C-PAP (I think that's what it's called) but it doesn't seal quite right over his beard and so he's still snoring, or the darn thing shuts itself off, or he rolls over and suddenly it's like having an exhaust fan blowing in my ear.
So I'm sleeping at the 'rents for the last two days and tonight. It got to the point where I was near delirium. I finally said, "Look, I can "sleep" with you and go slowly crazy and be in pain and hate you because you keep me up, or, I can sleep in another room and actually sleep and be pleasant (ok, more pleasant) and in less pain and generally better to be around." Last night I had almost 10 hours and I felt great today. Tonight is going to be a different story.
I started some new PT exercises today and I'm sore now. I'm also supposed to be up early for a class tomorrow, that means I'll be panicking if I'm not falling asleep. Actually, I'm panicking now because I'm already counting the hours and realizing I won't have enough.
So basically, I'd better go to bed NOW and stop writing here.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Giant Ear Ache

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Dormez vous?