"I know just how frustrating it can be when you're tired and exhausted, but you still want to draw something." Ward Jenkins, Ward-O-Matic, 03-23-2005
This is going to be a short one. I'm more tired than I've been in a very, very long time. Originally, I was supposed to be driving to Philly, staying overnight at my uncle's place and then driving to Ocean City in the morning. Scrap that. Now I'm sleeping at home and driving to OC in the morning. That's a four hour drive before a day long art show.
You cannot imagine how inadequate my resources are to handle this.
I'd driving myself so I can stop and see my uncle in the hospital. Blessedly, this gives me a bit more time to sleep. Yay for that extra 15 minutes.
My art stuff is as ready as it will ever be. My fuse grows shorter by the minute and I found myself both snapping at people and crying today, both for no apparent reason. I think I'm just tapped out. Unfortunately, the "big push" is yet to come.
Increasingly, this show looks like a bad idea. Still, I am pleased with the work. The prints look great. I am, however, dangerously low on business cards and the ones I ordered did not come in. Alas. I also just now remembered that I wanted a Mailing List sign up sheet which I have not yet printed out.
So many details. I'm bad at details now.
I know I will forget really simple things that I'll kick myself for when I'm there. I'll feel stupid and inadequate. I am also painfully aware of the ridiculousness of beating myself up NOW for the things I will probably forget tomorrow.
Everyone thinks I will sell at this show. Hopefully they will be correct. Right now, it's all I can do to drag my zombified self into bed. Tomorrow is another day.
P.S. The photo has absolutely nothing to do with anything I've just written. I was searching for images related to sleep and this bear sleeping bag came up. I just thought it was clever and funny and wanted to share it.
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