"Those who face that which is actually before them, unburdened by the past, undistracted by the future, there are they who live, who make the best use of their lives; these are those who have found the secret of contentment." Alban Goodier
This weekend was wonderful. I hope I'm not tempting fate by saying that, but it's true. The trip to Baltimore and Arlington was tiring but enjoyable. It was much more social than I thought it would be and entailed more social interaction than I am used to.
There was an outdoor art show at Inner Harbor and I ran into some artists I knew. Sometimes I forget that this is how other people live. They have friends, they do things...fun things. Their lives are not entirely caught up in dragging themselves through work and chores and crawling into bed exhausted and in pain all the time. Sometimes I think I've forgotten how to enjoy life. It is so easy to get caught up in the scramble and fight of everything that frustration is the only thing I can see.
This weekend, today especially was a welcome respite from all that. Although it was still difficult. I was in quite a bit of pain by the end of the day, having a "normal" day was worth it. Spending time in Inner Harbor, at the Aquarium, with artists and friends, was more like my "old life" than anything I've experienced in quite a while. We'll see how much I end up paying for this tomorrow.
I will stretch tonight and am heading to bed the minute I finish typing this, but, if I don't sleep, tomorrow is going to be a difficult day. I start my online class in the morning and have two doctors' appointments one of which is in Allentown, an hour away. I've done a lot of driving in the past two day and will have more tomorrow. It would be nice not to have to worry about these things. I wish I could just do whatever I wanted, without budgeting my energy and timing doses of painkillers and muscle relaxants during long trips. But it might be manageable.
Important things to keep in mind for the Brain Injured Traveller:
Limit Car/Drive time if possible
Spring for a decent hotel with a good bed (sleep is worth it)
Stay hydrated
Maintain a sleep schedule if at all possible
(The schedule thing goes for eating as well)
Pack TWO sets of meds just in case you lose one
Don't over pack, especially if you will be carrying bags
Build in extra travel/prep time to avoid rushing and stress
If you are driving, write out directions, write in LARGE easy to read print
If using a GPS or other technology, familiarize yourself with the route before the trip
Wear supportive, comfortable shoes (sacrifice fashion for comfort if you must, you'll be in unfamiliar territory, this is especially important if you have balance/coordination or sight issues)
Try to travel and non-peak hours (this avoids stress and limits car time)
Don't over schedule activities
Pack sunglasses (glare fatigues eyes and causes headaches)
And the most important....be mindful of what is happening NOW and enjoy it.
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