Monday, August 31, 2009
Don't Hate Me Because I'm Brain Damaged

Sunday, August 30, 2009
When Life Gives You Tomatoes, Make Tomato Sauce

Saturday, August 29, 2009

"Action is at bottom a swinging and flailing of the arms to regain one's balance and keep afloat." Eric Hoffer (1902 - 1983)
I feel like I am flailing. It's a great word, "flailing". Today was just one of those days. I was useless for a bit and then started cooking. Cooking is a special kind of alchemy that calms me when little else will.
The first thing I made was an apple-peach sauce. Think apple sauce with a peach thrown in for good measure. It was pretty good and Gram ate some. She's not eating well, so I'm doing my best to entice her.
Also on the menu today:
A strange version of "Magic" cookie bars...you know... graham cracker crust, sweetened condensed milk, chocolate chips, coconut, etc.
Orzo Soup
Rice Pudding
Roasted Chicken with an Orange Soy Sauce
Barley Salad with Edamame and Corn and Mint
The garden yielded two bowls of tomatoes and tomatillas so tomorrow will be spent whipping up a small batch of Marinara.
I was planning on renting a table at the local farmer's market tomorrow morning and having a mini yard sale, just not in my yard. One person's crap is another person's treasure - or something like that. Instead, I will probably not sleep again tonight and end up waking later than I want and spending the next three hours in a daze.
Monday night is my first class of the Fall semester and I am not ready. I don't want start yet. I'm not finished with summer. Once again, I feel as though I have missed the season. So much is lost. So much is missed. I spend far too much time scrambling and trying to catch up and never feel like I have any time to just be where I am.
Mindfulness, I know. We'll see what happens when I tell the Doc that ordered my to practice mindfulness that I didn't have time.
One of my friends recently commented that she was jealous of my time to write this blog. I assured her that is was not easy to find. I scrape a few minutes every night to write here, but I never know when that will be and often it is the last thing I do before going to bed. I haven't written every day like I planned and the first time I missed, felt awful about it. Guilty. I felt guilty. Now I know that, like so many other things, it doesn't matter to anyone but me. Still, I wanted to keep that promise but it is important to be kind to myself and do what I can.
That is something I am still learning - what I can and cannot manage. It's going to take me a long time to figure that one out. Right now, I can try to be here for my family when they need me, Lord knows they have been there for me enough times. So in lieu of doing anything useful, I will do what I can.
She ate the sauce. She ate the soup I made for her lunch. She ate the chicken and rice pudding tonight. I keep thinking that I will keep her alive with the force of my will. My head keeps saying, "I just can't handle her dying now." My response is, always, "When could I handle it better?"
It's awful to think things like that. When would be a better time for your Grandmother to pass away? And I think, well.... when I'm in a better frame of mind. To which I can also counter, "Oh, great, you'd like her to wait until you're having a really good day and then she can kick the bucket?" I'm forced to admit that doesn't sound like a great plan either.
See, it would have been so much easier (for me, anyway) if I had bought it in the accident. Then I wouldn't have to worry about members of my family dying.
When I was a kid I often worried about the people I loved dying. It's probably a normal phase of development. I would pray that we would all die together, in some tragic mass accident. Instantly, of course, so none of us would suffer. To my six year old brain it seemed like a perfect plan. We would all go down together. No one would have to be alone.
Now I know better. We're all alone in the end. And there's not a damn thing we can do about it.
P.S. It seems necessary to explain the picture that goes along with this entry. I searched for an image for "Flailing" and had a host of "Flailing Arm Man" pics appear. These things are at once disturbing and strangely naive and tend to make me want to cry and laugh at the same time, something I've been doing quite a lot of these last few days.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Lights, Tunnels, Etc.

"It's weird...you know the end of something great is coming, but you want to hold on, just for one more second...just so it can hurt a little more." Anonymous
The closer I get to real feelings, the less I want to write about them. My grandmother is still not doing well. She should be in a hospital but she won't go. This I understand - I'm the same way.
I'm worried tonight. Everyone in my family dies on Saturdays. Tomorrow is a Saturday.
She's afraid she'll die in the hospital and that's why she's refusing to go.
This is making me...well...it's difficult. My emotions are more intense and less controllable than they used to be and the last month or so has been difficult even without this. Honestly, I don't know how I'll deal with her death. We are close. I grew up in the same house with her. I live next door now.
I wanted to have a baby. I wanted her to meet him or her.
It's possible she will bounce back, but I don't think that will happen. She could die tonight. I hope she doesn't but I also hope that when she does, she goes quietly, in her sleep, without fear, knowing that she is loved.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
All Is Lost

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Fear of Death

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Land of Confusion

Ok. I had a med check appointment with my psychiatrist today. I thought I had an appointment with my therapist tomorrow. I wanted, no, needed to see my therapist (it had been a couple weeks, a couple rough weeks since my last appointment) so I called to cancel the psychiatrist appt. which I thought was today. When I showed up yesterday they said I didn't have an appointment, that, in fact, I had called earlier to cancel said appointment.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Today Sucked

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Traveling With a Broken Brain

Friday, August 21, 2009
Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Oy Vey

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
MSG is the Devil

"What is food to one, is to others bitter poison." Lucretius (96 BC - 55 BC), De Rerum Natura
I ingested some MSG today. MSG and I do not get along. Now I can't blame my brain injury on MSG but I can tell you that it certainly doesn't help it.
MSG is an excitotoxin. Basically, that means it makes your brain "fire" more than it should. It excites the chemicals and ramps up the chemical reactions, which may cause cell damage and death. (It has in animal testing.)
Food manufacturers put it in food because it makes food taste better. It has been called the fifth taste, Umami, which is sort of savory. Forms of MSG occur naturally in things like cheese and tomatoes and meats, but the natural form does not react like manufactured MSG does in the body.
In my body, it causes pain in all of my old injury spots, headache, and muscle tension. Given all the things that already going on in my body none of these symptoms are good options.
I've found a combination of things that seems to lessen the effects of MSG if administered fairly quickly after MSG ingestion. They are Vitamin C, Essential Fatty Acids (Fish oil or Evening Primrose oil), and Benadryl. I take at least 1000mg of vitamin C but sometimes as much as 3000mg and typically use an effervescent vitamin C powder.
I should probably say here that this is not medical advice nor is it meant to replace the advice of a doctor.
The only downside with this "treatment" is the Benadryl which tends to knock me out for two to three hours. It's 7:30pm and I just woke up from the nap I started at 5:30. Even after I get up I tend to feel just a little out of it after a Benadryl nap. Tonight, for example, I was planning on making Picadillo with rice and fried plantains. My husband just asked me what was for dinner. I think I answered some other question and when I realized my mistake we said, at almost the same time, "How about pizza?" "Yeah," he said, "It doesn't look like you're in any shape to cook." When I tell you that I used to own and operate a catering company and have cooked on numerous occasions under less than ideal conditions you can understand that my current inability to brown ground beef is significant. (I'm still not sure how I'm managing to form sentences here.)
So what I'm saying is that MSG is probably not the best thing for brain injury people and neither is my home remedy for dealing with the MSG. Along with the physical symptoms, I also tend to get snappish after eating MSG. This is a sign not a symptom. Symptoms are self-reported (pain, muscle tension, etc.), SIGNS are observable by others. The connection between my mood and MSG was made several years ago when I came back from lunch at a fast food restaurant (fast food is notoriously laden with MSG) and one of my coworkers remarked about my, ahem, bad mood. She may have used the word "bitchy" but you get the idea. She then asked me if I'd eaten fast food for lunch. "Why?" I snapped. She then informed me that she could always tell when I'd eaten fast food because I got bitchy afterwards. Hmm.
Imagine a person with brain injury who is already experiencing emotional symptoms like decreased tolerance to stressful situations and increased frustration and anger and add in the MSG excitotoxin and you can easily see how this can end badly. Top it all off with an increase in pain and it's a party.
The problem is avoiding MSG. It's in almost all processed food and many foods that are prepared in restaurants. Almost any soup that you purchase in a restaurant, if they are not made from scratch, will have MSG in it. It's in almost all soup bases and broths. It is in many sauces and almost all salad dressings. I've even seen MSG in crackers. Crackers for God's sake!
Sometimes even the most vigilant MSG avoider will accidentally slip like I did today. Just something to think about, even if you don't have a brain injury. It's also something to consider if you have children. What happens to your kid's brain when it's jacked up on MSG? Do you really want to find out? Maybe you already know - what happens to them when they eat that processed "food" do you notice any changes? If so, maybe you should blame it on the MSG.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Do NOT Under Any Circumstances Alert the Universe
Monday, August 17, 2009
(Pain x Sleep Debt) - (Accomplishment - Frustraion) = Mood

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Coming Clean

Saturday, August 15, 2009
The Problem With Joy

Friday, August 14, 2009
I Am a Waste of Space

Thursday, August 13, 2009
On Anger

Don't get mad, get even. If you can't get even, well, then you just get madder and the vicious cycle starts all over again.
There must be a way to effectively deal with anger, but I haven't found it yet. So I stew. And I try to make it into an amusing story figuring if I can laugh about it I won't be quite as enraged. Laughter and rage have a hard time coexisting. Still the anger lingers.
What am I angry about? Well, there's the raw deal that allows the guy who slammed into my car when he was drunk off his ass and driving a borrowed vehicle because his license was suspended (for DUI) to go about his business relatively unhurt and unaffected while my life has changes in myriad inconvenient and painful ways. He laughed, by the way. In the back of the police cruiser after they dragged him back to the scene of the accident, he laughed telling the cops that they wouldn't be able to prove he'd been driving and how he was going to refuse the blood test. I'm still a little tweaked about that, yes.
I'm angry about loss. This list of things I've lost because of this accident and this injury is so long that it actually deserves it's own entry. (I'll get back to that.) Just to cover a few of the highlights, I've lost my car, an Element which I adored, the first "nice" car I purchased for myself. It wasn't even a year old. I've lost months of work and the ability to do much of the work I was doing. I'd been teaching college English, comp classes, lit, etc., but I really can't edit now. Editing someone else's work demands a type of divided attention that I no longer possess. I've lost time and money and joy and, and, and...
I'm angry that this lingers. There are ways that this has changed me and some of them are permanent. I will forever have a hearing issue, actually a Central Auditory Processing issue. I hear perfectly, it's my brain that can't interpret what I hear. I will forever have double vision in my right eye and focusing problems. I will forever have aphasia and memory lapses. Well, not forever. I guess all those little problems will be resolved when I'm dead.
Did I mention the PTSD? Yeah, I'm mad about that one too. There are days when getting in a car makes me want to cry. I still have panic attacks in cars even if I'm not driving. Still. It's been over two years.
I'm mad that all of this happened on what was, up until the accident, a really nice day, a good day. Sometimes I think it was the last really good day I've had. Sometimes I think it will always be my last really good day.
I'm mad that I hurt. I'm mad that I'm mad. I'm mad that my tolerance is lowered...significantly, and that makes me grouchy. I'm mad that the painkiller that works and doesn't make me a zombie or an addict also chemically castrates my sense of humor.
I'm mad that I haven't had a day when something - pain, fear, legal bullshit, doctor's appointments, insurance red tape, hasn't reminded me of this stupid injury.
I'm mad and I don't know how to stop it. There's no good answer, no resolution. "Getting over it" just seems like giving up. I try. I do. I try to focus on the positive and what I have that's good but somehow that bad stuff always creeps in to spoil it. Perhaps I'm afraid to be happy. It's silly but part of me thinks all this happened because I WAS happy that day. It's almost as thought the universe suddenly became aware of my happiness and it was just too much or I didn't deserve it and so, BAM! it decided to knock that happiness right out of me. Mission accomplished.
It's all very Greek mythology. The little know Greek god, Taxidevo, God of Travel, saw that I was driving and happy and envied my happiness. In a fit of rage he hurled a speeding truck at me, destroying my joy and cursing me to spend the rest of my days as a half deaf, double sighted, meniscus-less husk of my former self. Well that will teach me to flaunt my happiness. Really, he could have just as easily turned me into a "SLOW" sign and rooted me to the spot. It would have been basically the same thing.
So what do I do with all this anger? I haven't found the answer yet. I try to "process" it. From what I can tell that means letting it out in a controlled manner, but like the Lernean Hydra (I'm on a Greek mythology kick tonight) it keeps coming back. Cut off a head and two grow in it's place. Even Hercules buried the final immortal head. Maybe that means that in the end, I'll just have to bury this anger as well. At the moment it seems infinite. "There's always more where that came from," is the whisper that echos from the bottomless pit of my rage just when I think I've exhausted it all.
Someday, maybe I can shut that voice up for good. Until then, I'm mad as hell and I'm sorry if I yell at you. (Unless you deserve it, of course.)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Nothin' But A Heartache

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Insight(full) or Empty?

Monday, August 10, 2009

The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.
I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.
--Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Untitled Headache

"Every head has it's own headache." Arab proverb
As I expected, last night's lack of sleep led to a migraine today. I was just slightly above useless for most of the morning and early afternoon. Eventually, I began to think that shoppers could sense the miasma of pain that surrounded me and perhaps it was hurting sales, so I retreated to the motel and napped for two hours.
When I woke up I still had the screaming headache, but I was clearer mentally. I stopped at the drugstore on the way back to the boardwalk and got some Ibuprofin liquigels. I find they are the best non-prescription thing for my special brand of migraines.
It worked in about half an hour and things were much better after that. We stayed open for several hours to take advantage of the night crowd on the boardwalk and I'm now back in the room.
Hopefully, I'll be able to get some sleep tonight. Tomorrow is the last day of the show and it's an early day; we end at four.
I haven't got much more to say tonight. I'm still not functioning at the top of my game. Let's just leave it at that for now.
Friday, August 7, 2009
2:46 a.m.

No-Tell Motel

I'm here at the motel. I'm hoping that a) there are no bedbugs and b) the mattress is not some purgatorial wrack upon which I shall thrash for the next 8 hours before the cries of the children lodging in neighboring rooms heralds the breaking of day.
I'm hurting already which does not bode well. Six hours in the car today after a bad night last night is not the best combo. Still, I just took "the cocktail" so that should help.
All in all, a good day today. I sold some paintings and some prints and the day itself was beautiful. And there were crepes for dinner which always makes the day better - these were especially good, buckwheat crepes with dark chocolate and peanut butter.
I'm in rather desperate need of a massage. My left shoulder is riding a bit high and curling forward which affects the neck, which affects my head. "This shin bones connected to the...." well, you get the idea.
I was supposed to have been doing a daily mindfulness practice which was prescribed by my doctor. I was supposed to have started it...oh.... two weeks ago. Today, when Guadelupe called to confirm my appointment with the good doctor on Tuesday morning, I told her I would call back to reschedule, justifying this because I haven't had time to get the MRI she ordered.
Really, I embarrassed that I hadn't done the mindfulness.
How sad is that? I feel guilty because I haven't done my mindfulness practice.
I can hear it in my head. I open the door to go out and from the next room my mother's voice calls, "Lor, did you practice your mindfulness today? You promised to do half an hour."
So, ideally, I should be mindful of the fact that I feel guilty for not being mindful. That's the idea of it anyway. And it's supposed to make me stress less and make all these other things that I have difficulty with less difficult.
Monday. I will start practicing on Monday. Half an hour a day. I promise.
In the meantime, I will try not to be mindful of the lumpy mattress and ineffective air-conditioning.
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
When Blood Is Thicker