"What am I? Job?" - Me
Ok, I know the grammar isn't correct. I don't care. I say it all the time anyway.
Let's just recap: Wed I ended up in the ER and was admitted to rule out a heart attack.
Thursday, I slept since I didn't sleep more than 45 minutes during my overnight stay in the hospital.
Friday, I had a stress test all morning and came home to find that my Gram had to be taken to the hospital to have fluid removed from around her lung.
Sat, was spent mostly recovering from all the nonsense.
Sun, I fell up the steps when racing to Grams room because she buzzed for assistance.
Monday, Therapy appointment and class (they were both OK, but I was stressed because I had a 10 page paper due and was NOT done - I got an extension, thank God.)
Tuesday, had an interview w/ the insurance adjuster regarding the August accident, then had a Doctor's appointment, on the drive I started shivering and couldn't stop. I offered to just go home so as not to contaminate the office if I had the flu. Got home and, again, couldn't stop shaking and shivering. Crenshaw bundled me up with about five blankets and I eventually fell asleep on the couch. Gram's aide was really worried and took my temp and wanted to send me to another Doc or the ER but I felt so crappy I didn't want to move.
I slept it off for a couple of hours, still have wicked body aches and headache and am just BONE TIRED and kind a shaky, but we did a nasal swab that came back negative for flu so I guess I just have something that resembles the flu but isn't.
Either that or I'm one of the 30% of people who test negative when they really have the flu.
Either way, I'm staying warm and hydrated and taking Ibuprofen and going to bed early. Naturally, I didn't get done anything that I needed to do today. I'm going to try to catch up for a couple hours right now because, thankfully, I am starting to feel a bit better.
Not sure who will drive me to class tomorrow. I might have to recruit the man for that detail.
Seriously, though, is the universe testing me or something?
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