I have been remiss. Yes, I promised myself that I would post every day but if I've learned one thing in the last few months it is that I need to prioritize and I need to accommodate to what it possible for me. During this past month it was imperative that I make my classes a priority. This left little time for anything else. Between classes, doctoring, and my practicum, well, there was no social life, little sleep, and some downward mobility when it came to eating well and exercising.
Classes ended on Friday, today I'm finishing some doctoral program applications and Tuesday I take the GRE, so the big push isn't really over yet. I also have about 8 hours to finish for the practicum. Wednesday. Wednesday will be the official end of this crazy ride.
I wasn't able to write yesterday (the day originally slated as "Application Day") and I'm chalking that up to forcing myself to function at near exhaustion for the last week and a half. But after a solid 10 hours of sleep last night (I was in bed at 8pm) my brain is working much better today. Strangely, my time perception today is incredibly skewed. Hours are passing VERY S-L-O-W-L-Y. It's impossible to tell if this is due to the extended sleep or just the fact that I don't have to race off to class or an appointment and I'm not scrambling to finish a research paper, or if it's just my brain being strange. Perception of time is one of the things that definitely changed with the injury.
I am officially recommitting to this project. I actually missed writing here. There were days when I'd had experienced that were pertinent and wanted to write about them but was just way too tired to do it justice. I would like this blog to be more than just a diary of my trials and tribulations. I would like it to be useful and educational as well.
So, from now on, I'm back on the program and will be writing here as often as possible. Hopefully that will be everyday, but I have to admit that perhaps the "daily writing" goal was a bit over enthusiastic. That's not saying I won't write everyday, but I'll be happy with three times a week, and will attempt to make these entries meaningful, not just a dutiful few lines logged in order to fulfill my self-imposed requirement.
With that, I'm going back to writing my personal statement. Wish me luck.
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