"One of the great mind destroyers of college education is the belief that if it's very complex, it's very profound." -Denis Prager
Laughter is sometimes the only option. I just finished posting an update on my art-blog, a forlorn thing, even more ignored than this step-child of a blog. My intent was to update my four "fans" on the status of some upcoming art shows which would be exhibiting my work.
I do collage.
I'm also a pastel painter, but that's not the focus at the moment. We're talking about collage. Which, incidentally, I just mistyped as "college". Which was the entire point of THIS post, because after typing "collage" (spelled correctly that time), I sat there and stared at the screen and couldn't get my brain to not read it as "college".
Everything ground to a halt. You could smell the burning brain cells.
I knew my thinking was wrong. I knew "collage" was correct...but...the broken part of my brain just. couldn't. accept. it.
So there I sat, chugging away mentally, trying to force my brain to tell the difference. Finally, I did a search on "collage", and, lo, there it was, (god bless Wikipedia) describing a "collage" as an assemblage of various things, bits of newspaper, etc.
I was saved. "Collage" was art. "College" was...well, fill in your favorite college experience here.
Now I just need to retrain my brain to know the difference.
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